- 'Perthsoundo.com' was started by Perth based sound recordists Jeremy Ashton and Paul Huxham in 2007 after seeing an opportunity to bring Western Australian freelance sound recordists together in one place to give the industry a focal point.
- From live television in 1982, to where they are today, they've developed connections throughout the industry over the past 30 years.
- Today, perthsoundo.com is a central directory of information & services for all media industry professionals not only in Perth, but nationally and internationally.
- The directory of skilled sound professionals can help you source your crew for your next production or event.
- If you need to source equipment, not just sound equipment, we can direct you to the right place.
- We have CASA certified UAV Drone Operators ready to go.
Jeremy says "We're more than just a group of professional sound recordists, we are multi-skilled and a connection into all areas of our industry, from the smallest grab to the biggest commercials, documentaries, events and films in this massive state of Western Australia."
"We know the industry...and the industry knows us!"